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F2: een update over de toestand van Correa

De toestand van de Amerikaan Juan Manuel Correa is verslechterd, dat melden de ouders van de 20-jarige F2-rijder. Hij werd eerder deze week overgebracht naar een ziekenhuis in Londen. In de nasleep van het tragisch ongeval vorig weekend op Spa kreeg de F2-rijder complicaties. Door acute ademhalingsproblemen werd hij in een kunstmatige coma gebracht. Hij wordt ook ondersteund door een hart-longmachine. Volgens de familie is zijn toestand kritiek, maar stabiel.

Foto © FIA F2/LAT


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September 6 Statement from Juan Carlos and Maria Correa regarding the condition of their son Juan Manuel Correa: First of all, on behalf of our son we wish to thank everyone within and outside the motorsports community for the wonderful and caring get well wishes that we have received, as well as messages for a speedy recovery. We are confident that Juan Manuel will review them all himself once he is back in charge of his social media accounts. Honoring our son’s straight-to-the-point and honesty that characterizes him, we wish to update you on the status of his injuries and physical condition. As time has progressed, new complications have surfaced as a consequence of the massive impact he suffered Saturday in Belgium. On his arrival to London, Juan Manuel was diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. This is an injury considered common in high impact accidents such as this one. Unfortunately, this injury resulted in Juan Manuel falling into Acute Respiratory Failure. Juan Manuel is currently in an Intensive Care Unit that specializes in respiratory injuries. At this point of time he is an in induced state of unconsciousness and under ECMO support. Juan Manuel is in critical but stable condition. We are confident that our son will surprise us like he always does with his tremendous fighting will and strength and will recover completely. At this time, we kindly request that our privacy and space be respected. As a family, we need to pull together and be 100% there for Juan Manuel. Maria and I wish to take this opportunity to give our condolences to the Hubert family for their loss. Our hearts are broken, and we can only imagine the pain this loss has brought them. #StayStrongJM

Een bericht gedeeld door Juan Manuel Correa (@juanmanuelcorrea_) op

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